Blogs and Updates

Risky Business - When standards drive innovation

In this Risky Business News interview, Tom Uren talks to Daniel Schell, CTO and David Cottingham CEO of Airlock Digital. They discuss the security standard that drove innovation and the genesis of Airlock Digital and also how to make sure that standards don’t become box-checking exercises.

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Risky Business - LockBit is down but not out. Yet.

In this episode of  Risky Biz, Airlock Digital’s Daniel Schell talks about his adventures with WDAC, and Dave Cottingham predicts Windows 12 will go all in on signed code. Also Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the week’s security news. They talk about: LockBit gets back up after takedown, Russia arrests Medibank hacker… for something else ConnectWise gives out free updates, but customers aren’t happy, and much more 

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Risky Business - VSTO Office Files

Risky Business - VSTO Office Files

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Risky Business - Why Microsoft's Smart Application Control is very strange

Navigating browser extension control through endpoint tools poses significant challenges. Learn more in this concise guide Soap Box podcast.

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Risky Business - Is the Kernel a Security Boundary?

Airlock Digital sponsored the latest episode of Risky Business podcast with Patrick Gray where they discussed the limitations of kernel driver blocklists.

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Risky Biz Soap Box: Why Allowlisting is Ready for Prime Time

Insights on effective allowlisting, lessons from the third-party industry, Microsoft vs. specialist tools, and the effort for success.

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Preventing Ransomware and Zero-Days with Basic Security Controls

The world is facing the largest ransomware attack ever. The REvil/Sodinokibi group infecting over one million systems, surpassing the 2017 WannaCry attack.

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Make Phishing Great Again. VSTO Office Files, The New Macro Nightmare?

Airlock analysed how Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) can export an Add-In embedded in an Office document (Word DOCX), leading to phishing attempts.

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