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Allowlisting Demo Video

David Cottingham, CEO of Airlock Digital, shows Patrick how Airlock's execution control and allowlisting solution works. Click here to watch the video.
Watch the Demo

2023 Datasheet

Allowlisting (formerly known as application whitelisting) is considered a foundational cybersecurity strategy due to its effectiveness in the prevention of sophisticated malware and file-based attacks such as ransomware.  Download the "Practical Allowlisting and Execution Control" pdf to learn more.
Download the pdf

ACSC Essential 8 Compliance

This article lists Airlock compliance statements with the ACSC Essential 8 Security Model for Application Control. Download the "Essential 8 Application Control Compliance Statements" pdf to know more.
Download the pdf

Case Study: An Australian Logistics Company

How an Australian logistics provider deployed Airlock Allowlisting to prevent cyber-attacks, reduce operating costs and improve change management. Download the "An Australian Logistics Company Case Study" to know more.

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